Friday, January 27, 2012

New ARCxl Low Cost Subscriptions

We continue to respond to user input and modify to suit your needs.  With that in mind we now offer both free details/components and new low cost library subscriptions.  The only difference is in the number of downloads available during a 24 hour period.  As a free service we continue to provide up to 3 free completed details and 20 individual components per day.  As a business we offer increased daily detail download access for those willing to pay a small annual fee for the convenience of using our massive library.

This allows users to sample the details before buying a subscription, or if struggling in a tight economy - continue to get some free production help.  Those busy enough to require more access simply make a modest payment and receive the increased access you'd like for the coming year.

For those that have been asking for the subscriptions we now offer, we regret the delay.  As stated frequently, without your complaints and comments we can't improve - so please do.

Email link: Comments and/or Complaints